Friday, August 14, 2009

Feel Good Friday

Ok, normally Feel Good Friday is about about music. Not today! Today I am going to mix it up just a little with cartoon that I loved as a child. For that matter, I still love it! Now, go find your laughing place!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

For those of that you do not know, my daughters are in Girl Scouts. We are leaving this afternoon to go "camping". I am not a fan of camping. It doesn't bring out the best in me. Instead it tends to bring out the cranky, itchy and bitchy me!!! It is hot, stinky, bugified, and down right ICKY! However, as my Mom always told me "We are going on an adventure". As I grew up I realized that "adventure" was code for surviving hell. So, this weekend I am going on an adventure with my daughters. They will love this weekend. It is filled with singing, camp fires, smores, horseback riding, swimming, and laughter with friends. I will love the many photos and videos I get of the girls enjoy this time. And that is what it is all about right?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Respect Restored

Keith Olbermann is the host on MSNBC's nightly show Countdown. It is nice to see our news program holding our elected officals accountable. This is what they are supposed to do. Our press is the unofficial 4th branch of the government. They are the watchers. The press is to be our eyes and ears in government. To see and listen and then be OUR advocate in the media.
The previous 8 years we have seen media used to do the bidding of the government. For a refresher, one only needs look as far as Judith Miller a journalist for the New York Times.
Somewhere, the Press lost its way. Perhaps it is partially our fault. We the people didn't see the news as flashy enough. Celebrities on their 4th rehab stint are more interesting than what Congress is doing with our money. Well, that is until we personally run out of money. Then we want to know what the hell happened! What happened? We had a Congress that didn't represent us, a Press that didn't advocate for us, and citizens that couldn't be bothered with the truth.
Now, we have people that are paying attention, a Press that is aware and making us aware, and finally...we have a Congress placed on notice!