Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Safe Sex Not Allowed

A pharmacy in Va. is not going to sell contraceptives of any kind. They are going on their faith. So, no condoms, sponge, birth control pill, morning after pill, or anything else! Now this issue can be looked at from a couple of different sides. From the practical realistic side , do I have a lot of questions and things to say!!! YOU BETCHA!! First I so have to wonder do they sell Viagra?? If so, do they ask the man who he intends to have sex with? What if he isn't married, will they still fill the prescription? What if he is married but is going to use some of the pills with his girlfriend? Do they carry and dispense medication that cures/calms/deals with symptoms from STDs ? You know, sexual transmitted diseases. The things that CONDOMS help prevent people from catching! So, by not selling condoms but selling Viagra (if they do) they are promoting the spread of STDs ! And FYI, like condoms, the birth control pill can also be used for things other than to prevent pregnancy. I have known of people to use the pill to simply regulate their cycles and another person because of acne. From the "faith" side I suppose I would say this "If God wants a baby to be conceived and born , it will be. Do you doubt his power to do so?". Seems to me like this "Faith" group has little faith in God.

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