Happy Thanksgiving. What I am thankful for? Family and time. Because one is not really much good to me without the other. This is the painful lesson that most of us do not learn until we find out either someone we love or ourself is running out of time. Let me say this, I love my family. I love all of my family. I love the ones that piss me off and make me crazy and I especially love the ones that I get to piss off and make crazy. I have been so very blessed in my life. I come from a close knit Italian family. That basically means I have aunts, uncles, cousins and I know them all. If I need anything and it is within their reach they will find away, as I would do the same for them. I was 34 when my brother who was 39 wasn't home for Christmas the first time. Was Christmas the same that year or since? No, and all he did was move a way. I can still call him. And right now, he is here. He loaded up his family and drove all night to be here with us. I know how hard that drive is for his family but I am so grateful for this time with them. So, today we will all be at my Mom's. Mom, Dad, my sister Brenda and her family (including a grandbaby), my brother John and his family, me and my family , and anyone else that shows up!
But our hearts and our minds will really be with my Aunt Bobbie who isn't healthy enough to come up here this year. She has been battling renal pelvic kidney cancer. On Saturday she had to be taken to the hospital. It seems the chemotherapy really has not been working, so they are going to stop. So, why this video? It is one of her favorite songs. It used to make me crazy as a kid. I would go to her home and she would have this playing. As kids, we would whine about it. So, she would put her big 70's headphone's on, then we just got to hear her sing it. Now I call it her theme song. So, more than a house, a car, a job, a tv, or anything else , I am Thankful for Family and time.
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