Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good-Bye 2009

I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell and
I don't have time to go round and round and round
It's too late to make it right
I probably wouldn't if I could
'Cause I'm mad as hell
Can't bring myself to do what it is you think I should

I suppose many think the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year is a time to start anew. Leave transgressions against us in the past. Forgive and forget? It is a nice thought. I, however, do not believe you can change emotions based on a day in calendar. So, do not think that just because we enter a new year I will be willing to kiss and make - up and be friends again. Not going to happen.
Some say it is an opportunity to make improvements in our lives. Our wonderful list of resolutions for the next 364 days that we hope to make it 30 days. Hmmm, perhaps I should resolve to care a lot less about other people. That would definately bring down my stress. Some how, I just don't see that happening. It must be that having a soul and conscience thing.
Oh well, I think I am still going to be reflecting on 2009 for a few days before I can even consider changes to make in 2010.

"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves." ~ Bill Vaughan

2 comments: said...

Oooh thanks for that Dixie Chicks reminder! I miss them!!!!

Politically Funny said...

S Beale,

You are sooo welcome! I was trying to think about what to write about 2009 and that song just came into my head. It pretty much sums it up for me! I hope you have a great 2010!!!