Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Equality, Feminism, and Diversity

Equality, Feminism, and Diversity are 3 topics that can make usually sane people sound like they have gone bonkers (bonkers = technical term for losing your mind for no damn good reason, not to be mistaken as slur toward people that are truly mental ill). On a quick side note, I really get annoyed by the politically correct speech police!!
Back on topic with my 3 topics. What is that makes people so emotional over these issues? In a word, Power. Someone has it and doesn't want to relenquish it. Someone does not have it and wants it. And it is here, along these lines that people with good intentions lose their way.
If you want a minority to have a job position or be accepted into a school based on either gender or race, then I think you have lost focus. Is it truly so bad to want to achieve something soley on your merit?
I do not want any person denied an opporotunity simply based on race or gender, but at the same time I think you should not recieve one based on race or gender either.
It is a very very basic principle.
Should I have to rush one of my children to the Emergency Room, I want them to have the best doctor possible. I do not want them to have the doctor that had less experience, a lower GPA, but happened to be the right color or gender. I also believe if you want a job that has traditionally been done by men, you should go for it! I hope you achieve it. I also hope that you have at least the same qualifications and ablities as your male counterparts.
When my niece was wanting to be a firefighter, 4'11 and maybe 120, I told her that's wonderful as long as she can lift my big butt out of a burning building! So, my husband worked with her over and over until we knew should could pass the requirements that a man would have to.
You see, to do anything else would be saying "I am not equal. I can't really do this job but give it to me anyway because I am a woman." She just was not going to have that!
Do not hire people just for diversity's sake! It is an insult! Hire people because they are the best qualified!!

Just follow the simple rule of removing gender and race from the selection process and the world will be a better place.

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