Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do

I truly try to not write about religion. Politics = Yes. Religion = No!! I suppose because I don't care what people believe when it comes to different religions. If you want to worship a tree that isn't going to effect my life. If you want to go to church on Sunday, that isn't going to effect my life. However, your politics may very well effect my life. Thus, I care what people think regarding politics. This post though is going to be about religion.
I just finished reading an article by John Avlon called Praying for Obama's Death. We have Christians (I am using that term VERY loosely at this moment!) that believe it is their duty to pray for the death of President Obama. Even at my worst, when I could not stand the thought of President George W. Bush for one more day, I did not pray for his death. I did pray for him to go back to his ranch in Texas!
From the article:
"Praying for President Obama’s death has become a sick cottage industry for some evangelicals on the lunatic fringe. Bumper stickers, T-shirts, and teddy bears are sold with the wholesome-sounding slogan “Pray for Obama” but tagged with the more troublesome “Psalm 109:8”—which reads “May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership” followed by “May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.” "

Avlon interviewed two preachers ,Wiley Drake from California and Arizona’s Steven L. Anderson.
"With the death of Democratic Congressman John Murtha after gallbladder surgery last week, Drake declared that God had again listened to his imprecatory prayers. Drake’s Presidents’ Day weekend prayer hit-list reproduced Judicial Watch’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list for 2009, without attribution and aiming for something well beyond indictment. The list includes Senator Chris Dodd, Senator John Ensign, Representative Barney Frank, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, Attorney General Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi and, of course, President Obama. “We have listed here only a few of those that we are praying for,” wrote Wiley, “first for their salvation in Jesus, and if they continue to deny God and do unrighteous things to our country we then agree with God that He take them out.” “Take them out”—not words usually attributed to the Bible."

At this point, I must wonder if the government should list Drake as a Co-Conspirator for the murder of Murtha. Hmmm??
This is the drivel that Avlon had to endure from Andersen:
“I hate Barack Obama. You say, well, you just mean you don’t like what he stands for. No, I hate the person. Oh, you mean you just don’t like his policies. No, I hate him … I am not going to pray for his good. I am going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell.”

Some how, I just don't picture Jesus screaming about hate. Not even on the cross did Jesus spew this hate and venom. No, according to Luke 23:34 he said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Some how, I think that message will apply here.

Please read the full article here Praying for Obama's Death - Page 1 - The Daily Beast

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