Politics isn't for the faint of heart. It can become dirty, nasty, ugly, and down right disgusting. Politics can bring out the selfish, the greedy, the cheaters, the thieves, the liars, the users and the deceivers in full force.This Saturday evening we watched the House of Representatives pass the Health Care Reform Bill. http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf Click there to read the bill. If you want to see how your representative voted you can click here Final Vote Results for Roll Call 887 .I am very happy this passed. It has been a long time coming with good people putting in long hours and their careers on the line. After a summer of town halls decrying "Socialism" here we are. If only that were the worst of it. The conversations I have had over the last week would be enough to make some one's skin crawl with the vitriol. It is enough to make one's stomach turn when listening to someone that has been on state funded health insurance for themselves and their kids complain about this health care bill being "socialized medicine." Yes, this person is definitely a hypocrite, and that is the nicest thing I can say at the moment.Most people know that this became a huge issue for me last year as I watched my Aunt Bobbie fight to get health care insurance and die because of a lack of it. I have recently been told "When it's your time to die that is God's decision and whether they have insurance or not won't make a difference." If this person actually believed this their family wouldn't be going to the doctor and hospital constantly, on the state funded health care insurance.I suppose some of these people will not understand until they lose someone they love, as I did. This where Politics can find Heroes. The ones that will fight to stop injustice, bring truth, and be honorable. Those that are virtuous, ethical, righteous, trustworthy, and sincere can also be found fighting for those less fortunate than themselves and often taking huge risk. We watched 220 Representatives vote for Health Care Reform , now we wait to see how many honorable Senators we have.
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