"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Glenn Beck's program 10/19/09
Yesterday, I made a deal with a friend. Trust me I was on the losing end of this deal to begin with. But I am a fair person and never mind listening to the other side. On occasion I have been known to play "Devil's Advocate" simply out of boredom. So here is the deal he had to watch a video of mine as a liberal and I had to watch Glenn Beck's Program. My video was Gordon Sinclair's report The Americans. My friend, John, LOVED it. Now, he asked that I try to be unbiased about Beck's program. I tried. Here is the report I sent to my dear friend. Though our politics are different he is my friend.
I kept my word and I watched his program. You have to remember I like consistency, and hypocrisy tends to upset me.
So let's break this down. Within the first 10 minutes of the program Beck admits that he is not a journalist. That he is simply giving his perspective. After that he was saying that the White House was not treating Fox fairly. I don't recall him (at CNN at the time) or anyone else at Fox complaining that the previous administration was not fair to MSNBC. I think news stations should be able to ask questions at press conferences and just as I would have loved to have seen Bush on Countdown , I think Obama should go on Shepard Smith's show. Why Shepard? Because so far, he is the only one over there I still respect. Sadly though, I have not watched him awhile.
Now he wants everyone to ask questions, to be bold. Ask why? Why? WHY? I think we should ask why. We should ask questions no matter what party is in power. But now I must ask where were the questions from Beck regarding The Patriot Act, Blackwater, Warrant less Wiretaps, US Customs agents having the right to examine ALL electronic equipment AND keep this private informatiosn, Sec. Bakker representing the Saudi Royals in a law suit against 9/11 families, our military not having proper equipment, Jack Abramoff, Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert, 2 of Bush's relatives (brother Jeb and Cousin George) working for Lehman Bros. , the cost of the Iraq War, the Wolfowitz Doctrine, the Carlyle Group, or Brandon Mayfield .
Next he wants everyone to know that Free Speech is gone. I don't recall him complaining about Free Speech Zones during the last 8 years. If you spoke out against President Bush or his Policies you were considered unpatriotic and un American. He didn't seem to mind it then. Where is the consistency?? Now he is discussing Anita Dunn. It seems at a High School Ms. Dunn mentioned she liked the politics of Mao and Mother Teresa. He makes his point over and over and over about how horrible it was that she mentioned Mao. Yet he never mentions that Bush so liked Mao he read his biography and then told Rove he should also read it.
Beck is now discussing volunteering for service organizations. It appears that Obama would like people to volunteer in their community. Beck seems to think that inspiring service is a bad thing. The Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) harnesses the collective power of the entertainment industry and channels its unique assets to raise awareness and funds for critical health, educational and social issues in order to make a positive impact in our community and throughout the nation. The EIF has helped many organizations including Boys and Girls Club, Stand up to Cancer, Key to the Cure and Diabetes Aware. Beck is Outraged that the EIF has gotten ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX to join together for 1 week to do programs that highlight community service. Remember community service is helping the Red Cross, a local food bank, the homeless shelter, the USO, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity,The Angel Tree, etc. Yes, these organizations may actually get a little publicity or new volunteers.
According to Beck Free Speech is gone. I remember Free Speech Zones under Bush. He didn't seem to mind then. Free speech zones were commonly used by President George W Bush. Free speech zones were set up by the Secret Service, who scouted locations where the U.S. president was scheduled to speak, or pass through. Officials targeted those who carried anti-Bush signs and escorted them to the free speech zones prior to and during the event. Reporters were often barred by local officials from displaying these protesters on camera or speaking to them within the zone. Protesters who refused to go to the free speech zone were often arrested and charged with trespassing , disorderly conduct and/or resisting arrest.
Beck now wants to discuss Net Neutrality, but then he just goes back to the choice is either Freedom of Speech or Big Government. As a guest ,he brings on Phil Kerpen. Mr. Kerpen is of course for Freedom of Speech and stopping our big government from taking it away. Read what was posted above about Free Speech Zones. Mr. Kerpen is director of policy for Americans for Prosperity, as well as a contributing editor for National Review Online, a Fox Forum contributor on FoxNews.com, and chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition. After the show, I decided to check out Mr. Kerpen, since it appeared that Beck endorsed this man. This is the first paragraph on his web site ( http://www.philkerpen.com/ )
"With trillions of dollars of bailouts, feckless stimulus spending, government takeovers of private industries and horrifying long-range deficits, the radical left has amply demonstrated that it runs the show in President Obama's Washington, and it's making the place a laughingstock."
Wow. Needless to say, after reading that I know this man does not care too much for facts. Obviously by Beck having him on his show, neither does he. Because we all know that the Bank Bailouts were in Oct of 2008 (Bush was President), the insurance bailouts were in Sept of 2008 ( Bush was President), Auto bailouts were Dec of 2008 (Bush was President), Stimulus spending (from May 2001 through 2008 there were stimulus checks sent out and Bush was President), government take overs of private industries ( 9 Banks were certainly nationalized in Oct of 2008 and Bush was President), horrifying long-range deficits (from 2002-2008 and Bush was President) and now I love how this little inept man blames all of that on the radical left and President Obama.
Lastly , Glenn Beck is still hiding some huge mystery behind the blue curtain. Reminds me of the Wizard of Oz.
The conclusion for me is that Mr.Beck has a very skewed perspective on things. A view that I personally find lacks reason, logic, and consistency. I think he is very disingenuous. I do not think he is stupid or dumb, on the contrary I think he knows exactly what he is doing. Perhaps that is why it bothers me even more. Now, that is just my perspective.
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