Today I turn 39 years old. What is the best way to measure how those years have been spent? How much stuff I own? Where I live? My education? My bank account? Who've I met? Who I know? How much I have traveled? No. Those just are not good enough measurements for me. I think prefer the standard of how much I have loved and have been loved. By that measurement I have lived a very blessed life. I have always known that help was no more than a phone call away. At the other end of that phone was someone who loved me and would help me no matter what, because I was family. Brenda (my sister) and her husband Pete drove all night to move me from another state back home no questions asked. John ( my brother) and his wife Teresa who let me live at their home. My nieces and nephews that have helped me with everything from cleaning my house, moving, cooking, taking my kids to cheer practice, going to my kids games and competitions. My Uncle Johnny for baking me cookies even when he was supposed to be a big tough guy. My Aunt Pole for laying down all of her credit cards when I was in the hospital because she thought I could get better care. My Aunt Bob for laughing whenever I was in deep shit trouble and just saying "that's the Bob in her coming out". My Grandma, whom I am named after for telling dirty jokes and making me smile. Sean, my husband, who has stood by through everything, putting his happiness second to mine. My wonderful daughters Rosa and Seanna that have shown such strength and character , I could not be more proud. My Mom and Dad that have always put my needs, even my wants, before their own. They stood by me my entire life. Not leaving my side when I was in the hospital and holding my baby when I wasn't able to so she would know she was loved.
So, how will I spend my birthday today? I will spend it as I have spent the last 39 years of my life surrounded by love and my family. That is truly the best gift there is.
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