Friday, March 27, 2009

Feel Good Friday 3/27/09

In memory of Dan Seals who lost his battle with cancer on March 25, 2009. He was only 61. Dan had several #1 hit songs, this one being my sister's favorite. His family will be in our thoughts and prayers. To learn more about Dan Seals click here Dan Seals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .

Thursday, March 26, 2009

People are Crazy

I love this song. It is written by Bobby Braddock (one of the greatest songwriters of all time).Ya know, song writers don't get the praise they deserve. But at least they get to keep to their privacy.
I hope you enjoy it and buy the CD!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am just wondering 03/24/09

Regarding the homes being foreclosed on left and right I have heard the government is going to step in and help these homeowners. Here's my question/dilema :
What about the people that chose to pay their mortgage over their other bills? They didn't make the car payment it got repossessed, is congress going to help? They didn't pay the credit cards, they got hit with late fees which cause over draft fees, which then cause 30% interest on ALL their loans. Are these people going to be helped out? Or are we telling people it is better to pay your other bills and NOT your mortage, let the government step in and take care of that for you. Either we help all in financial trouble or none. This is just wrong on so many levels and honestly it just pisses me off. Of course I am still pissed that American Taxpayer dollars went to BAILOUT 2 European banks. That money could have helped, dare I say it, AMERICANS!!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Once Upon a Time 3/21/09

Once upon a time my husband and I would go out on a Friday night. We would take in a movie or enjoy a quiet dinner. It was just the two of us and it was wonderful. Those days have long since passed. Quiet dinners have been replaced by the laughter of 2 beautiful daughters. It was a good trade. Last night only proved that even more. At 10 pm last night my husband and I along with our girls were at Hastings for a Twilight release party. The release however was not until midnight. So here we were surrounded by teenage girls laughing and giggling about...Edward. Oh sweet sweet Edward. We met up with a friend there, Kim, who also has teenage daughter, Gabby. As we were checking out and the girls were looking at all things Twilight, OOPS, I mean Edward, they spoke in a foreign language. No, not Spanish nor French or even my favorite Italian. NOPE! They spoke in a language with a pitch only dolphins could understand. These girls were so happy and so were we. So, of course we had to watch the movie as soon as we got home (after 1 am). And there it was, my quiet evening with my husband and my girls. What do you say when life is better than perfect?

Monday, March 16, 2009


What the hell is going on? I told people, everyone I could, we should NEVER bail out AIG. They are a global insurance company. Let the entire world bail them out not just US or let them sink! Sink works for me considering that is what AIG would say if it were my finances on the line. SO, now after several months, we know a little bit of where AIG spent the bailout money they received from United States TAXPAYERS.
From CNN : AIG names recipients of its bailout money -

"AIG, a recipient of at least $170 billion in federal bailout money , got an $85 billion loan from the Federal Reserve.
The list released Sunday of "counterparties" that benefited from the bailout is topped by European banks Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank, which received $4.1 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively. "

European banks??? WTH??? WHY didn't EUROPEAN nations bailout AIG??? This is pathetic , disgraceful, and sickening.
I think of how hard my Aunt Bobbie had to fight, even get an attorney to get back some of the MONEY she paid into Social Security because she had stage IV kidney cancer. She, an American citizen , who worked from age 16-61 was DENIED repeatedly last year because having a terminal illness was considered the same as having a broken ankle, WHILE this disgusting company with its sleazy employees took the tax dollars she had paid AND gave them to banks in EUROPE! These people make me sick! I hope that AIG completely and totally tanks and takes their precious board members with them to the poor the house. I have no sympathy what so ever. I see these people as nothing more than thieves. Words can not even express the distain I have for OUR government for allowing this to happen.

UPDATE 8:10 am: Ok, I just got off the phone with AIG. I had to double check and make sure this informations was absolutely accurate. It is. I spoke with a nice gentleman named Richard. We even discussed the bonus checks for the employees in London and the dilema that has put AIG in. AIG is under a binding contract to pay those bonuses and if they do not it could cost AIG double the money for breaking the contract. I also know that Mr. Liddy is not taking a salary and is trying to turn this company around. The things that are upsetting to me were put into place before he took over. But mostly, I am truly upset with my government. I just can't get past the point that they would give money to a corporation that in turn would use that money to bailout banks Europe. They would do this and not help my Aunt. She received 1 social security before she died. I do not know the amount of that 1 check but I am pretty damn sure it was A LOT less than the $6.7 billion given to foreign banks. In a word, Shameful.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Soul and Inspiration

The Righteous Brothers sing one of the most beautiful songs of all time. This is a true love song. If you have someone in your life that loves you this much know that you are very blessed.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Feel Good Friday 3/13/09

Good Morning Dad! I love you. Good morning Mom, thanks for showing this to Dad. I love you too!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Living Life

I really like this song. I have been going through a bunch of old family pictures. I wonder what family members were like. What were my parents like when they were young? What were my grandparents like? I do not believe the people they are today is what they were before. Life experiences change us. They sure smiled more before they had us kids!!! They were in better health and they were living life. If there is a downside to being the youngest child it is that your memories of your parents are very different from that of the older kids. By the time they have you they are already tired, worn out, and on their last nerve of dealing with people (that's why you were LAST). They could not take one more!
Now, with kids of my own, I know that our kids see us different from how we really were and how we really are. The person they know...the mom- she makes rules, pays bills, doesn't let them fight, blah blah blah is boring, can't dance, and is overall dorky to them. Needless to say, that is not my husband's wife. Not who he married and thankful not how he sees me. But someday they will look at pictures of me and their Dad and say "Wow! You really had us fooled!"

Monday, March 2, 2009


Since the death of my Aunt Bobbie my family has been trying to hold it together. We visit and call each other. For those that are able to talk the ever present question is "How are you holding up?". It seems the answer is just as expected "I have my moments." That seems to be what we are having, moments. Moments when it doesn't even seem real and then moments when it is overwhelming. I went to call her husband, just to check on him and make sure he was eating. In my cell phone the number is still listed in her name, that was a hard moment. For now, I just don't have what it takes to change it. I may never have what it takes to do that. And I suppose I am ok with that. I tell myself to focus on what I had with her, not what I have lost. That really doesn't make a lot of sense. You see, when I think of what I had I know what I have lost.
One of the last things my aunt enjoyed doing was volunteering at the mission. This song reminds me of that. Tired, worn out from cancer, and sick from chemo she would still go to the mission to help feed others in need. Those were her good moments.