Saturday, March 21, 2009

Once Upon a Time 3/21/09

Once upon a time my husband and I would go out on a Friday night. We would take in a movie or enjoy a quiet dinner. It was just the two of us and it was wonderful. Those days have long since passed. Quiet dinners have been replaced by the laughter of 2 beautiful daughters. It was a good trade. Last night only proved that even more. At 10 pm last night my husband and I along with our girls were at Hastings for a Twilight release party. The release however was not until midnight. So here we were surrounded by teenage girls laughing and giggling about...Edward. Oh sweet sweet Edward. We met up with a friend there, Kim, who also has teenage daughter, Gabby. As we were checking out and the girls were looking at all things Twilight, OOPS, I mean Edward, they spoke in a foreign language. No, not Spanish nor French or even my favorite Italian. NOPE! They spoke in a language with a pitch only dolphins could understand. These girls were so happy and so were we. So, of course we had to watch the movie as soon as we got home (after 1 am). And there it was, my quiet evening with my husband and my girls. What do you say when life is better than perfect?

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