"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Once Upon a Time 3/21/09
Once upon a time my husband and I would go out on a Friday night. We would take in a movie or enjoy a quiet dinner. It was just the two of us and it was wonderful. Those days have long since passed. Quiet dinners have been replaced by the laughter of 2 beautiful daughters. It was a good trade. Last night only proved that even more. At 10 pm last night my husband and I along with our girls were at Hastings for a Twilight release party. The release however was not until midnight. So here we were surrounded by teenage girls laughing and giggling about...Edward. Oh sweet sweet Edward. We met up with a friend there, Kim, who also has teenage daughter, Gabby. As we were checking out and the girls were looking at all things Twilight, OOPS, I mean Edward, they spoke in a foreign language. No, not Spanish nor French or even my favorite Italian. NOPE! They spoke in a language with a pitch only dolphins could understand. These girls were so happy and so were we. So, of course we had to watch the movie as soon as we got home (after 1 am). And there it was, my quiet evening with my husband and my girls. What do you say when life is better than perfect?
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