Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keep it together

They say the #1 cause of divorce is finances, The Most Frequent Cause of Divorce - Associated Content . Money, or rather the lack of money is the cause. When there isn't enough money to pay the bills people get stressed. If you add a couple of kids to that situation then you have major problems. So far this over 1.9 million Americans have lost their jobs. I wonder how many of those people are married. I wonder how many will still be married to each other a year from now. I suppose some may still be married due to the fact that getting a divorce cost to much!

In 1988 a movie came out called 'Things Change' starring Don Ameche. The signature phrase in that movie was "things change". I try to tell myself that during rough patches. Things change, they will get better. To everyone that has lost their jobs and those that are the list to be soon unemployed - hold on, it will get better because things change.

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