"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
They were RIGHT
THEY WERE RIGHT! It is that simple. People were screaming about our soldiers fighting for our rights BUT heaven forbid someone actually use the freedom speech. I suppose to those people you have the freedom of speech as long you only say what THEY want you to. Doesn't sound much like freedom to me. Perhaps if some of those with simple minds that flipped their lids over the Dixie Chicks had listened to what they were saying we would NOT be in the hell hole of this economic recession/depression that we are now in. For those that hate (isn't that a nice Christian feeling) the Dixie Chicks, know this, you hate 3 women while there are MANY MANY MANY people in this nation and around the world that BLAME you for the circumstances this nation is now in for you having backed Bush. Have fun owning that. I see the things as they are with Republicans that scream about bleeding heart liberals and our programs. The republicans that now ,because of Bush's policies, have to go file for food stamps, welfare, unemployment, bankruptcy protection, etc. So, thank Bush that you have to file for these programs and thank those bleeding heart liberals that you hate so much that those programs are there to feed your family.
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