Ok, let me explain. Yesterday I had to cancel my debit card. Why? Oh, because a thief thought what they wanted was more important than what I needed that money for. Was it a great deal of money? Well, that depends on who you ask. For me, I will be ok. And both my bank and the company where the card was used have both assured me the money would be returned to my account. You see, it wasn't like this person used the card to purchase food, enfamil, or diapers. No, they used it for a subscription to a web site. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Now, you want to know what really really pissed me off about them doing this? I had to call St. Jude and tell them that the monthly donation they get from my card would not be there. That the card has been cancelled and will not work. Yeah, someone's thieving subscription to a web site was more important to them than money going to children dying of cancer. Karma can be a true blessing or it can be a bitch in heat. In this case I do hope karma is the latter and bites this person in the ass because it was more than stealing from me, it was keeping money from St. Jude's.
Photo is from St. Jude's Children Hospital of 11-year-old Alaina Coleman
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